The two-volume set LNCS 11973 and 11974 (indexed by Web of Science and Scopus) constitutes revised selected papers from the NUMTA 2019 Conference published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series.

Volume 11973 consists of 34 full and 18 short papers chosen among papers presented at special streams and sessions of the Conference. The papers in part I were organized following the topics of these special sessions: approximation: methods, algorithms, and applications; computational methods for data analysis; first order methods in optimization: theory and applications; high performance computing in modelling and simulation; numbers, algorithms, and applications; optimization and management of water supply.

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Volume 11974 consists of 19 full and 32 short papers chosen among regular papers presented at the the Conference including also the paper of the winner (Lorenzo Fiaschi, Pisa, Italy) of The Springer Young Researcher Prize for the best NUMTA 2019 presentation made by a young scientist.

The papers in part II explore the advanced research developments in such interconnected fields as local and global optimization, machine learning, approximation, and differential equations. A special focus is given to advanced ideas related to methods and applications using emerging computational paradigms.

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